About me


My name is Dmytry Boguslavsky and I am a IT enthusiast, more precisely in the field of Cybersecurity. My interest in the field has been with me from a young age but I am only recently getting into it professionally. Most of my life, as I’ve worked in different career fields, ranging from construction to customer service, to landscaping and just being a general skilled worker, I’ve always found time to pursue my interests in IT. I’ve learned programming on my lunch breaks, I’ve built websites on the side for friends and family and I’ve just generally been inclined in the realm of computers after getting my first PC at the age of 12. It all started with gaming and quickly expanded from there. My curiosity got the best of me and I started digging into the trenches of how my own PC connects to the internet via phone lines, (Back in the days of Dial-Up internet), and asking questions like why is my PC slowing down, what component affects what processes, and this curiosity expanded into a myriad of different fields of interest all related to IT. Even to this day, as I dig into certain topics, they branch off into different aspects of the field and the amount of interesting information just grows exponentially the more time I spend soaking up the knowledge.

To date I have experience in Python programming, HTML/CSS, Administration in 3 of the major OS’s (IOS, Linux and Windows), as well as multiple pen-testing tools like Nmap, curl, burp suite, metasploit, aircrack-ng and many more. I spend much of my time running through CTF’s online like TryHackMe, HackTheBox, PicoCTF and others with the help of Kali Linux. I’ve enrolled into a Bachelors program specializing in cyber-security and am currently studying for different certifications in the field.

I am 33 years old, some might think that it’s a bit late to change professions but I chose not to believe that. I’ve gained invaluable skills from my current employment which I probably wouldn’t have gained otherwise as it was a position that took me out of my comfort zone. In the past, I would ideally be working solo but by being thrown into a field that expects me to work with numerous people on a daily basis, carry 2 cellphones and have 2 more landlines at my workstation, as well as constant in person meetings with partners, clients and different sales associates, my skills in communication have shot up to a level I never expected to achieve. I’ve also been working as part of team and I have different departments depending on my work, as well as being dependent on others. The knowledge of working in a huge chain where everyone needs to do their part wasn’t in my plans, but I am truly grateful that I got this opportunity as it has been a major influence in my growth as a professional and as a person in whole. I understand that as a team and as a chain, you can accomplish tasks seemingly impossible if you were on your own.

My story

My career in cyber-security was planned to begin in the fall of 2014 but life took an unexpected and exciting turn. I had already enrolled and payed my first year tuition in cyber-security when circumstances in my personal life lead me to move from Canada to Russia with my wife. Lacking a formal education, I was offered a path here that lead me to my current position as a deputy chief acquisition and logistics specialist for one of the biggest construction companies in the city. The work I do today is a polar opposite of the work I wanted to do professionally, but despite that, I enjoyed my work for a long time as I was taken out of my comfort zone and forced to develop skills I was lacking.

Constantly on calls handling 4 phones., in constant connection with different foreman’s from our numerous construction sites around the city, as well as factory engineers from our reinforced concrete plant that supplies our construction needs. I’ve become a master of my trade and en route to become head of my department.

So 8 years later after being with the company and just recently getting a substantial promotion, I’ve come to a realization.

As much as I’ve engrossed myself in this field, I still find myself thinking of ways to improve the work flow either by creating programs and applications (which I’ve sketched out plans for) or troubling myself with the security of our information systems as I understand that if we lose access to our current information database, the amount of work and resources to recover everything would be disastrous.

The thought process that my mind kept running back to was computer/network related. The pay bump I got, though very welcomed, led me to understand that this isn’t my end path but just a step leading to where I want to be. It became clear as day to me that its time to move on and join my interests and main focus.

All this to say that even though I’ll have to say goodbye to the amazing team of professionals I currently work with and that I’ll probably take a significant pay cut moving into a different field as I don’t have any formal education/experience (though I can argue that I do), I am still determined to start this new path since it’s where my heart and mind keeps going back to. The plethora of skills and knowledge that I gained will definitely be a huge advantage for whatever endeavour I throw myself into. From top notch communication skills, to proper professional documentation like mediating contract agreements, to technical knowledge of how different establishments conduct their work and what systems they employ is a world of information that can only be gained by engaging and working in the environment. I’ve made contacts that will be beneficial and crucial to my future success as I understand it’s impossible to know everything, but knowing someone who specializes in one field or another is an immense advantage.

I haven’t felt this excited about pursuing a career in a long time, but I have the support of my family, and I have the drive and focus to accomplish my set goals.

I’ve started this website with the aim of documenting my progress for myself, as well as anyone looking to have me join their team, as a way to showcase my skills and current/past projects that directly relate to this path that I have chosen.

If you’ve stumbled here as someone who isn’t interested or directly related to cyber-security then feel free to explore, and you might find something of interest as there is no shortage of that here. If you’re someone who’s chosen the same path and looking for guidance or information, then I welcome you. I can’t tell you to follow me or to do as I do as I myself am new to this and I would be at fault if I presented this a some sort of guide on how to enter the field. That being said, I would be ecstatic knowing that I’ve helped someone take a step into a future where they can be proud, excited and fulfilled with their choice of career.

If you fall under any other group then I still welcome you.

I can be reached via the information on my contact page. I welcome anything from advice for myself, to asking me for my opinion or advice, to simple comments or business arrangements.